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Richardson Family

This is the first session I have ever photographed to a mixture of nursery rhymes and Beethoven.  Not only did the Richardson's come with some great music, but their adorable twins both did some killer impressions of The Hulk for me.  It was my pleasure to spend morning with them in downtown St. Augustine, which was special for Mariah since it is her hometown.  Curtis serves our country in the Navy.  We came in contact through the Hearts Apart Organization which connects military families with local photographers for family portraits before deployment. 

Seeing Curtis play with his children was very sweet.  You can see by their smiles how much they love their daddy and you can see how much he misses his family already by the way he looks at them.  Thank you, Curtis, for your sacrifice and for the sacrifice of your family for having to be without you.  May God protect you and bring you safely home to your precious family.


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